As robotics technologies are advancing at an ever increasing rate, robotic pets have emerged in the market offering companionship and socialization to users, including robot-assisted activity. It is important to understand how the cultural background, the age and the gender influence the expectations towards social robots. Robot Dogs and Pets represent the future of companion… Continue reading FUTURISTIC PET

Sustainable future; the usage, disposal and reuse of masks

DISPOSABLE FACE MASKS RECYCLING; DISINFECTION, PROPER USAGE AND STERILISATION FOR REUSE. Surgical face masks can filter out about 60% of smaller, inhaled particles. They are primarily intended to stop droplets, sprays and splatters. Surgical masks can significantly reduce the spread of respiratory infection. Surgical masks are not designed to be used more than once. Ideally, you… Continue reading Sustainable future; the usage, disposal and reuse of masks

Mask Insulation : Final Project

As we all know, that the world population is increasing day by day, millions of people use this land every day, increasing population means double need of resources. In this Modern era, where thousands of industries working every day that actually cause pollution and now when situation Is really alarming and worldwide facing alarming condition of COVID 19… Continue reading Mask Insulation : Final Project


IKEA is a Swedish-based dealer of furniture and furniture items. Since entering the Chinese market. in 1998, it has gotten wide recognition from homegrown customers. It tends to be said that IKEA has broken the unbending stockroom deals model of the conventional furniture market in China, and has additionally infused new essentialness into the homegrown furniture home market.… Continue reading IKEA

The Wing Suit (BMW)

BMW presented an all-electric wingsuit that allows you to fly at paces of up to 300 kmph. Sounds very energizing, right? The suit has been planned by BMW  in relationship with  Designworks. They said wingsuit was begun  its idea three years back by Peter Salzmann who turns out to be an expert Wingsuit Pilot, Skydiver and furthermore, a Paragliding teacher.… Continue reading The Wing Suit (BMW)