Final project IDEA

Benefits of silverfish and spiders

the combination of silverfish and spiders can be very useful for the human armor.

silverfish can eat a lots of waste materials like paper, clothes and many more things. as it provides to the silverfish protein which is very important for them, because thats all they need in their life. the following illustrations are all my own works which i did on photoshop.

I created this illustration on photoshop.

Jobs for silverfish females

We can begin our work with the feeding this silverfishes, because their source of protein for them are mostly waste products, the more silverfish eats the eggs they produce. the female silver fish can produce one to three eggs everyday and they can live up to eight years. which means they can produce eggs everyday and till 8 years.

Predator spiders.

Role of spiders in this proccess.

Spiders then can eat the silver fish as they produce eggs everyday so they can easily make a lot of babies everyday. so now lets talk on how this spiders can useful on road to the bullet proof jacket actually the more these spiders the more silk web they produce everyday, which is made up of proteins. this silk web can be converted into fabric later on.

Silverfish can produce one to three eggs everyday. manipulated this in photoshop.
manipulated in photoshop.

i manipulated this thread factory in photoshop.

Earn money without going to office or any hard work.

after when the spiders are done with their producing silk web, then this silk web should be sold into the factories where the fabrics are being made. the one who feeds the silverfish and later on feeds them to spiders and the spiders give silk web these process can lead one to earn money from home.

Earn money from home.
Manipulated this in photoshop.

After all the processes these bullet proof jackets will be made, which could be very useful as a source of armor for the soldiers.
If we do this we served the nation and also earned from it win-win.

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