Ponder With Me!

For the final project of my ‘Design Fiction’ course, we are required to come up with a concept that promotes sustainability and an eco-friendly impact on the environment in Pakistan. There are numerous ways to explore this assignment’s objectives within a local (Pakistani) context, and I will be reflecting on some of them below as I attempt to reach a conclusion in my quest to find which direction to take this project into.

Since the time period from late November to January is usually referred to as shaadi (wedding) season in Pakistan, it is intriguing to look at this concept from the point of view of green practices and sustainability. There is a lot of food and water wasted as a result of lavish weddings; often times, wedding favors are packaged using plastic and trees are cut down to clear land for wedding tents to be set up in (the latter being a very profitable business).  I think it could be worthwhile to research into ‘green’ weddings and sustainable practices whilst event planning to reduce not only land pollution, but also noise and light pollution.

Another idea that engages me is that of wild and marine life sanctuaries for Pakistan’s endangered animal species. As seen in the animated Disney film Finding Dory, a marine life sanctuary and research center is a unique refuge for marine life to be rehabilitated in, before they are released back into their natural habitat. There is a lot of water pollution in Pakistan, especially the beaches and sea in Karachi and that no doubt has a negative impact on our ecosystem. Moreover, Pakistan has the second highest deforestation rate in Asia, according to WWF (2020), which means a lot of wild animals have lost their homes and abilities to breed and survive. This is a pressing matter that needs more attention, and quickly, in order for Pakistan’s biodiversity to heal and flourish.

Marine Life Institute from Finding Dory. Source: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Marine_Life_Institute

Additionally, Pakistan’s water crisis is a suitable candidate for this assignment.  Due to over population, urbanization and increasing water pollution, the country is set for a dry spell by roughly 2025 if no serious changes are made. While the construction of dams is an important factor in avoiding this looming water crisis, in my opinion introducing family planning, especially in the rural areas of Pakistan, would count as a sustainable practice due to the simple fact that Pakistan’s large population is hurting its air, water and land increasingly every day. Family planning is one important way of ensuring that the number of births is decreased and the quality of life of the existing and future population is enhanced.

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