Rain Sheet

Final Assignment! Rain Sheet. I recommend reading my inspiration for Rain Sheet blog before this because this is a 2-part blog. This is the execution part.

Keeping my inspirations in mind I decided to use rain as the main source for saving water crisis. Introducing Rain Sheet! as the name applies it is a long sheet made out of nylon and polyester. It is water proof and stretchable enough so that it provides large surface area for the rain to be easily collected. This collected rain can later be used for drinking purposes. The sheet can topple over houses like a raincoat, covering the entire roof area.

 If there is only 1 opening for rain to be collected it is possible for the water to leave the sheet thus I’ve added multiple holes on the sheet which are porous enough for only the water to enter. The holes are all connected together through plastic pipes. The water travel through these pipes and end up in a filter before entering a container where then this water can be collected.

There are many ways to build a filters but the cheapest and most effective filter is the one made out of sand, activated charcoal and gravel. The three ingredients form a 3-layer coating which is sand, activated charcoal, gravel from top to bottom respectively. These ingredients are readily available at any pharmacy. In case it needs to refilled.

The rain sheet can also be used as a shelter during rain for the homeless and the people with home can use it for paint protection. Regardless, this is a simple yet effective way of getting clean water and since it rains ever so often in Pakistan, this can be in used any time. It is also portable. Instead of looking at this as a product more so I want it to be an idea. Everything mentioned here can be put together and be built by anyone. The poor can even build this way or some form of a way to capture rain. As water becomes more and more expensive this form of collecting water can make the prices go down further helping the people.

There are ground water present in every country which is like a reserved account of water for humans. But there is a catch this water deposits called aquifers have accumulated over millennia and they will take millennia to fill back up. Ground water is sort of like a saving’s account which its fine to draw on sometimes especially when you have a drought but using that is harmful to us in the long term because not only does it takes millennia for them to be refilled, the land above these aquifers also sink in due to a layer of water no longer being there. Wells are one of the main reason how Pakistan is losing its underground water deposits. Collecting rain might not help much but it will definitely be a step towards giving importance to water and realizing that water is not something that will last forever so we should start valuing it.

//week 15

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