
Treeco is a project that consists of filtered trees used to purify the air and finish all sorts of toxic gases in the air. How is that possible?

After a great amount of research for this sustainable solution I finally figured out how it could work. The air consists of a lot of toxic gases. Many which can badly react if you try to mess with them, for example, nitrogen. Its not easy to deal with it, but again it isn’t impossible.

Treeco is derived from Tree and Eco. Here’s how Treeco works! A huge spiral filter pipe will be wrapped around a tree. The open end of the pipe will be on the top of the tree and the bottom part of the pipe will be inside the ground going through the roots of the tree (Image 1).

Treeco (image 1)

This Pipe consister of Two Layers (Image 2). The first one taking in the impure gases and the second layer converting them into Oxygen by the help of a catalyst installed inside the Pipe. The catalyst works inside the roots of the tree and also takes in extra Oxygen which is instantly made by the leaves by the help of Photosynthesis.

You could also call this a humidifier but a huge one to make the air more pure than before.

Pipe Layers (Image 2)

Where can this be installed and used? This can be installed in any area that you feel like has become extremely air polluted. I came up with this sustainable design when I focused on the immense amount of Smog in my city, Lahore. In Image 3 you can view the difference between the shots taken at the same place but different times. The picture on the left is taken in July 2019 and the picture on the right is taken in November 2020. Just in a year and a half the amount of Smog has increased rapidly. Not just that but Lahore’s AQI ( Image 4) is above 200 and at times above 300 which is extremely hazardous. Anything above 300 is known to be dangerous but our bodies and us have become somewhat immune to the impurities.

When a foreigner reaches our country, their bodies are unable to function properly due to the huge amount of impurities in the air which is why they get ill very fast when they arrive here.

Image 3
Lahore’s AQI (Image 4)

You can view more about this project on my Behance Profile:

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