Marine & Wild Life in Pakistan

This is an update on my final project- I have decided on researching and proposing marine and wild life sanctuaries in Pakistan in an attempt to promote the sustainability and enhancement of Pakistan’s ecosystem. You can find my Miroboard here. A wild life sanctuary is a place where animals, especially those who are endangered, are… Continue reading Marine & Wild Life in Pakistan

Ponder With Me!

For the final project of my ‘Design Fiction’ course, we are required to come up with a concept that promotes sustainability and an eco-friendly impact on the environment in Pakistan. There are numerous ways to explore this assignment’s objectives within a local (Pakistani) context, and I will be reflecting on some of them below as… Continue reading Ponder With Me!

Say Hi To Graham!

All over the world, there have been numerous campaigns and attempts to instill a sense of awareness in the general public about road safety to decrease the number of accidents and avoidable deaths on the road. However, this sculpture called Graham is the first of its kind in spreading awareness about this important safety concern… Continue reading Say Hi To Graham!

Designers & Activism

The term ‘design activism’ refers to using your skills and talent as a designer to bring about a positive change in society. In this day and age, a designer can play their role in activism by creating awareness among teenagers through social media platforms like Instagram, as well as through collaboration with non-profit organizations that provide benefits to the local community.

‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

Baraka is a film that was developed over the course of 14 months by Ron Fricke (American film director), released in 1992. I watched the first ten minutes of the film as a part of an assignment and I will definitely be tucking this film away like a comfort snack that you bring out when… Continue reading ‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!

In my search for a combination of materials that can be blended together, or have the potential to be blended together, to produce an outcome which supports sustainability, I came across hempcrete- a greener replacement for concrete! Source: The first material I explored was hemp, which is a variation of the cannabis sativa plant.… Continue reading ‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!

‘Taxi Cab’

With approximately fifty-five thousand taxis and taxi drivers in Mumbai, there is a present need to make the taxi experience more lively and memorable than it currently is -- and that’s where ‘Taxi Fabric’ comes in. Gaurav Ogale's 'Cutting'. Source: Taxi Fabric is a project that aims to bring a splash of colour to… Continue reading ‘Taxi Cab’

Breathe A Little Easier

Our planet is at the epitome of its climate change crisis at the present moment, which is why it is vital for designers, businessmen and companies big or small to think along the lines of sustainability. An important example of such green initiatives is an ongoing campaign called ‘The Smog Free Project’ (c. 2015), led… Continue reading Breathe A Little Easier

Fantastic Beasts, We Know Where To Find Them- Lahore! (2)

Long ago, sixty years ago to be exact, there roamed beasts in the city of Lahore.  How do I know this? I found snippets of proof hidden away in my grandfather’s drawer, forgotten and about to be thrown out with the rest of the ‘junk’ in there. These two photographs show what we now consider… Continue reading Fantastic Beasts, We Know Where To Find Them- Lahore! (2)