Need to transform

Comsumption of materials can no longer be good for the globe level anymore. Creating economic growth just by increasing consumption of material goods is no longer a viable option at the global level: Projections indicate that the global use of materials is set to almost double between 2017 and 2060, from 89 Gigatons to 167… Continue reading Need to transform


This can be extremely advantageous for certain tasks Quantum computers are machines that use the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computations. This can be extremely advantageous for certain tasks where they could vastly outperform even our best supercomputers. quantum computers get their edge over classical ones. In situations where there are a large… Continue reading Quantum

State-of-the-art science

I never realised how everything in Science is a sort of design. whether that's a combination of chemicals, or just different organs or nerves in our bodies, they're all designed to serve a purpose. To design something doesn't mean making new technology, furniture or clothes. In fact there are various other things you can design,… Continue reading State-of-the-art science

Pulp Fiction

So recently, upon rewatching my favourite movie, Pulp Fiction, I tried to jot down all the aspects of the movie that fascinated me. The Narrative Structure Tarantino had already used a non-linear timeline in his rankling debut Reservoir Dogs but he absolutely perfected the style here. The script is a show-stopper in the craft of screenwriting in light… Continue reading Pulp Fiction

‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

Baraka is a film that was developed over the course of 14 months by Ron Fricke (American film director), released in 1992. I watched the first ten minutes of the film as a part of an assignment and I will definitely be tucking this film away like a comfort snack that you bring out when… Continue reading ‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!

In my search for a combination of materials that can be blended together, or have the potential to be blended together, to produce an outcome which supports sustainability, I came across hempcrete- a greener replacement for concrete! Source: The first material I explored was hemp, which is a variation of the cannabis sativa plant.… Continue reading ‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!