30 Taxicabs

The team intends to furnish up to 30 taxicabs with beautiful and innovative arrangements, imprinted onto texture that lines the whole vehicle inside. with the assets gathered through Kickstarter, a gathering of arising Indian fashioners will flaunt their ability and narrating aptitudes by representing a plan, printing it onto texture, sewing upholstery and seat covers,… Continue reading 30 Taxicabs


This can be extremely advantageous for certain tasks Quantum computers are machines that use the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computations. This can be extremely advantageous for certain tasks where they could vastly outperform even our best supercomputers. quantum computers get their edge over classical ones. In situations where there are a large… Continue reading Quantum

‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

Baraka is a film that was developed over the course of 14 months by Ron Fricke (American film director), released in 1992. I watched the first ten minutes of the film as a part of an assignment and I will definitely be tucking this film away like a comfort snack that you bring out when… Continue reading ‘Baraka’//Blessing (1992)

‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!

In my search for a combination of materials that can be blended together, or have the potential to be blended together, to produce an outcome which supports sustainability, I came across hempcrete- a greener replacement for concrete! Source: http://cargocollective.com/futurehealth/Hempcrete The first material I explored was hemp, which is a variation of the cannabis sativa plant.… Continue reading ‘Hempcrete’- Concrete’s Greener Sibling!

Green Futures with Biodegradable Plastics in Pakistan – An Analytical Review

Let's discuss the Role of Biodegradable Plastic alternatives in Solving Conventional Plastic Solid Waste Accumulation in and around Pakistan. The resin and the turpentine extracted from the wood is rich in hydrocarbons, which has similar components to petroleum. At the recent conference XYZ happened in California 1 or Lahore, the Bio Environmantilist Mt Khan mentioned… Continue reading Green Futures with Biodegradable Plastics in Pakistan – An Analytical Review